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Explore the murky depths of life...

Monday, June 6


Dear Ali,

It's been three years since we last met...
Three years since we last spoke...
Three years...
It's scary how the odometer ticks on.
I'm sorry, but you must pardon my mawkishness. Gosh, I'm flooded with flashes of the times we shared.
You and Urmila in one of the Barat Building classrooms after school. Grade 3. You were there
for Mrs. Utappa's Kannada tuitions. I was there for Judo. I remember trying to help you
(even though my knowledge of the language was hopelessly absurd, street talk influenced).
After a while I gave up, more due to my lack of adequate intellectual resources than your
constant question mark look!

Ali, that look: so darn characteristic of you! Eyebrows curved upwards, slight smile twitching at the corner of your lips ;-)
Then in 4th we were put into Houses. Both of us landed in Andersson. You, our ace athelete.
On Sports Day all of us cheered for you streaked past us. ("Go Ahalya!! Yay Andersson!!!")

In sixth you cheered so hard for me when I got elected the Head Girl of Middle school. You
were always there when I asked you to get the Andersson House girls to keep mum during
Then in 7th remember when NJ had just joined school? And we tried in vain to explain to her (in all seriousness) what fart meant? *giggle giggle* You'd turned
In 9th we had elections for the Student Council. I was elected the Vice-Captain, you the
Prefect of Andersson House. (We hated that the 12th graders got the plum posts. Ugh. Unfair). So from then on it was all about pesky juniors to control. Wilfully accept
responsibility for anything that went amiss in the House. Grudgingly endure reproach from
frustrated teachers. We had a tough time, but we pulled through just fine.
Grade 10 heralded the Boards. And worse. Graduation. We chose to tread different paths...
It's been three years since we last met...
Three years since we last spoke...
Three years...
And now, we never will...

I'm still a wandering vagabond. Still grappling to carve a niche for myself. But you've
found your ivory tower. Your haven. And I will too...

I hope I don't trivialize the meaning when I say "Ali, I'll miss you. We all will."

Until the time is true...



Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mon Jun 06, 03:58:00 AM PDT  

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