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Explore the murky depths of life...

Thursday, June 16


If you need help deciphering that previous post, allow me to clarify.
Well, have you ever really felt alienated from your surroundings..? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean gettin' entirely clammed up or anything. It's just that even though we seem really outgoing and overflowing with energy, there's this torrent of thoughts that gushes wildly... incessantly... within us, waiting to cross that invisible fortress that contains it.
Some might call it Insanity. Some others Confusion. But I'd like to consider it the Essence of Life.

Being a student of Biology, I'll just take a minute to reiterate the origin of life. Life originated from the aggregation of small molecules such as hydrogen, ammonia, methane and water vapour to form "coacervates". Thence followed the formation of nucleic acids and proteins which constitute enzymes. The cells were (are!) formed by enzymes...

To sum it up, Life was possible because of these molecules. ONLY because of these molecules.

But the splitting of the molecule into its constituent elements, curbs further reaction.
Prevents evolution. Terminates Life. Kills Creation.

The molecule splits due to external factors. The surroundings.
Hence the constant urge to draw back from the world around us. To be Detached in order to sustain Life. Individuality. Creativity.


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