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Explore the murky depths of life...

Tuesday, June 21

Life is beautiful...

A buffalo ambles past. A bunch of nomadic women in bright rajasthani attire plod along with dried branches balanced on their heads. Dusk licks the horizon. A few stray dogs frolic about in the dust. Some wayward roadside uncles facing the other way answer nature's call. *wince*
I see a train chugging away into the distance. Wispy golden clouds streak the skies.
Is that a couple making out?! *inquisitive look*
A gust of wind hurls loose particles of sand onto my face. *Damn. There goes the view.*
Night descends. City lights shimmer in the distance. Life is beautiful.
I find myself going round in circles. Clockwise. Anticlockwise. Life is beautiful.
Clockwise. Anticlockwise. Ah! The pleasures of life.
Clockwise. Clockwise. Clockwise. Life is beauti--AAAAHHHH......
*Heart skips 3 beats. Then jumps into roller-coaster mode*
Is that a person I see? Up front? *20 feet ahead*
Swich to reverse. Pull back. Avoid. Period.
Ladies and gentlemen, glad to announce: "DAY 1 of driving class: no casualties."


Blogger Nitin said...

You kept me guessing... Nice piece!

Tue Jun 21, 07:15:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

never stand in the way of a woman learning to drive
(ancient chinese saying)

way to go ..Dee..though i wasn't so lucky when i learnt to drive...but that was a long time ago in a place far far way


Tue Jun 21, 07:42:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Thanks Nit!
Ditto to sA too. (but umm sorry... I've been askin' this too often off late, but could ya leave behind a couple more traces of yourself..? Thanks. )

Tue Jun 21, 08:54:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The one thing that connects all human beings is that we all believe we are above average drivers.

man who drive like hell usually get there.
- ancient chinese saying.

Tue Jun 21, 01:12:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now the one above this is not me, i.e., sA...

if you havent figured out by now...safari al= subbu(2nd year IT also of NW)

my folks named me vivek, but no one seems to realise that....bah

Tue Jun 21, 01:50:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

More fingerprints = More confusion.
Ancient chinese saying.
Above Average Driver (by that I don't mean everyone) Deescribe thyself...

Tue Jun 21, 10:04:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

sA, any interesting incidents during your learn-to-drive classes?

Tue Jun 21, 10:07:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the smell of napalm in the morning....

Wed Jun 22, 03:40:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

I know no arsonist. Deetonate thy identity...

Wed Jun 22, 09:53:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

P.S. And there are many Apocalypse Now fans.

Wed Jun 22, 11:03:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Safari Al said...

nothing interesting except the fact that the wayward roadside uncle in my case was my instructor who i think suffered from some bladder retion weakness

Thu Jun 23, 12:25:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Dee,

My friends call me What Dee. Maybe that should help you solve the mystery.

Thu Jun 23, 03:50:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

ok, What Dee, now I know only one person whose middle name starts with 'D'. And you're not that person. I'm SURE. So unless you're a person interested in asking questions/answering them, noone would call you What Dee...
I'm clueless...
Oh for cryin' out loud, just tell me who you are...
btw, Thanks for stopping by.

Thu Jun 23, 06:41:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What gave you the idea that my middle name started with D?

A bit of trivia:Did you know it was PG Wodehouse who first used the phrase "Elementary, My Dear Watson"

So Long and thanks for all the Fish

Arthur Dent

Thu Jun 23, 07:52:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Ho!! now, hang on...
You really are an anonymous chap...
thought I knew you.
or is Arthur Dent a pseudonym?
P.G. Wodehouse, really? in which of his books?
ok, if you have a blog, write me the URL.

Thu Jun 23, 08:02:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Book:Psmith, Journalist (1915).

1.First Year
3.AKA What Dee
4.DASA (that should narrow it down)
5.Initials KMS

Thu Jun 23, 08:47:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Whoa!!! How'd ya get access to my blog???!!!
P.S.Took up the driving test yet?

Thu Jun 23, 08:47:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

arthur dent, so long and thanks for all the fish = Douglas Adams, H2G2


inclined to think that it is Keep Making Something

whatever....its 3:30 in the morning and code don't work...


Fri Jun 24, 02:52:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

There are just 5 DASAs in my class. When I asked the chap whose initials are KMS, he was left in a daze...
In accordance with my previous post, I Deefer from jumping to conclusions.
Explain yourself.

Fri Jun 24, 09:26:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't call it H2G2. Please. It isn't like K3G or K2H2.

- M.M.

Sat Jun 25, 03:09:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The official site is www.h2g2.com so I guess it's ok.

Sun Jun 26, 12:03:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Believe me. It isn't.

Sun Jun 26, 04:22:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think I better reveal my identity..was posing as What Dee just to piss him off.

I'm in the first year,DASA and participate in quite a few Lit events..that should narrow it down:d


Sun Jun 26, 11:32:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

ok, schumy, firstly who is this What Dee you were tryin'to slander?
And how did you gain access to my blog?

Sun Jun 26, 09:31:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

And please tell me who The Maundering Marauder is. M.M= schumy???

Sun Jun 26, 09:34:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm the napalm lover (and Wodehouse fan as well). Not M.M or the 'poop' lover.

Got the link through a series of unfortunate events (Got linsked from one blog to another blog)

Anyway this is my last post here since you don't welcome Anonymous posts..


Sun Jun 26, 10:37:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Schumy, no I wasn't referring to you in particular. In fact, to be honest, I was bugged with the poop guy. And guessing by the tone of your previous comment, you're piqued. That wasn't the intention.

"..got the link through a series of unfortunate events..."
Geez, didn't expect my blog was THAT bad!!! ;-)

Now, I know many guys who part-take in lit stuff. I have an incling that you're not from M1. And Deeducing from the comments you've left, I'm not too sure if we've met either. Feel free to drop by and leave comments...

Mon Jun 27, 08:04:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just too much!!! too gud

Thu Mar 29, 09:25:00 AM PDT  

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