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Explore the murky depths of life...

Thursday, June 23

The eternal question...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Biology has little to do with belief in God. It's possible to prove, through physics, that God must exist.

But some other time.

- M.M.

Fri Jun 24, 05:15:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and....you lost me! The question being...?


Fri Jun 24, 02:48:00 PM PDT  
Blogger simply not edible said...

The question is indeed an important one. It's one of those questions that'll determine who you are exactly.

I suggest not rushing for the answer. I've been working on this one for a couple of years now, doing some serious reading/research, and I can't reach a definite conclusion yet. But I feel, it's not the answer that matters, it's the way to getting it.

Oh, and M.M.; What exactly do you mean by it's possible to prove God must exist?

Fri Jun 24, 03:58:00 PM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Hey safarial! the question's in the post, dude! "Dee, are you God fearing?"

Fri Jun 24, 09:15:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh...that was the question?

i am really intrigued by you M.M with that very suggestive nickname...measly mallu, or mighty mad, or simply maaaamy maaaamy, the typical cry baby....

simply not edible...excuse the risque humor but we really arent cannibilstic or well, interested in things being done , in a different way shall we say?

like i said quit the cloak and dagger, let the world know who you are...oh...for the love of god(steve vai)

Sat Jun 25, 03:33:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Safari Al said...

simply not edible, if you are really from utrecht, then hello...i am plesantly surprised. it is not often that i get to rub shoulders with the dutch.

and...christ almighty, why the annoynmity?
hell it even rhymes

Sat Jun 25, 03:56:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*The maundering marauder was here*

Sat Jun 25, 03:08:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm......i c u guys have gotta lotta spare time pondering over that dumb question.cuz after all,who cares.i mean life continues.u eat,sleep,poop,pee and do stuff uve always been doing irrespective of the answer to that question.or does it really have an answer?
oh n btw dee,r u hanging around waiting for sum bloke to pop the more important[at least as far as ur concerned] question?

Sat Jun 25, 11:51:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i presume u can figure out who made that last comment

Sat Jun 25, 11:53:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have never heard the word "poop" be used in connection with anything human and more than 12 months old.

Animals poop. Babies "poop".

People - crap. Like this comment.

Sun Jun 26, 04:21:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

Oh gimme some credit here. As much as I treasure certain comments, I'm prudent enough to term others balderdash.

And kk(yes, I know it's you), you know better than to crap around on my blog. No, the I-was-just-kiddin'-around approach will not do this time. *i'm shocked*
As for "poop". *Blech*. It's getting ridiculus.

Next time you leave a comment, show some steel and leave an indication to your identity.
The fact that I allow anonymous comments on my blog does not entitle ANYONE to mess around.

Sun Jun 26, 09:16:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok,finally ill try to make some kinda intellectual statement here!
drumroll please........
frankly i dont c y u guys have a problem with *poop*,but since u do,ill modify my language a bit.
i just asked u that question to gauge ur stand and ability to philosophize.i dont really think theres an answer,cuz as much as i hate to admit,im an agnostic myself,although id like to take a concrete stand.well on the one hand , we witness cruelty and injustice every single day,and what do we attribute that to?retribution or some such thing!
i mean i dont really see what the *faithful* stand for,but then again,there does seem to exist a force which causes us to do what we do,so....u decide!
oh and btw,i was just kiddin{with reference to my previous comment}

Mon Jun 27, 09:56:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go to Dharfur and ask them the same question I'm sure you'd realise that sometimes it just doesn't matter...


kk-do you blog? (assuming this is kaka from chem)

Mon Jun 27, 10:12:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope kk as in karthik murali,dont ask me y,thats just what im called

Mon Jun 27, 10:26:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and hey,the nitk numbskulls dude,what in the world makes u think dyslexic people cant think????research b4 u make sweeping statements dude

Mon Jun 27, 10:30:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's more like 'dudette':p

I didn't quite understand the relevance of their post either.

Mon Jun 27, 10:44:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Cruise can't think- he's an opinionated,stuck up moron. Check out his last interview on Psychiatry (he claims he's studied the history of the field..ya right)

(The dudette post was mine)

Tue Jun 28, 10:09:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to hell with tom cruise,isaac newton was dyslexic u *#$%&.now try telling me he cant think

Thu Jun 30, 03:10:00 AM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Tom Cruise was the best example you could come up with eh?

And there is no reason to cuss.


Thu Jun 30, 03:32:00 AM PDT  

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