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Explore the murky depths of life...

Tuesday, June 28

Especially for you...

This fragment has been woven exclusively for the entire caboodle out there who comment on my blog. I Deecided that the overflowing comments attached to the previous posts had to be Deeftly Deecanted into another post without breaking the continuity. *err... most had naught to do with the post, but what the hey, a comment is a comment. Every comment is unique. err...*
'The eternal question' is currently running at 19, miles ahead of 'Detached' which is at 11, but is 9 laps behind 'Life is Beautiful' which is at 28! (Schumy, whoever you are, do I see a hint of your influence on that last statement?!)
Tu and Pri (aka the NITKnumbskulls), I admire your psycho-babble inDeed. Always a pleasure havin' you here.
All Nit-Wits cordially invited. Pun away!!!
KK, contrary to what you believe, you're always welcome. It's time we made amends.
M.M : The Maundering Marauder (or as I'd like to say: Mystery Man/Maid), would like to hear more from you.
Always enjoy a Safari (al).
Weary travellers, do stop by for a Deelightful experience *errr...*
Go ahead guys: blab, preach and converse in the comments attached to this post...

Thursday, June 23

The eternal question...

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Tuesday, June 21

Life is beautiful...

A buffalo ambles past. A bunch of nomadic women in bright rajasthani attire plod along with dried branches balanced on their heads. Dusk licks the horizon. A few stray dogs frolic about in the dust. Some wayward roadside uncles facing the other way answer nature's call. *wince*
I see a train chugging away into the distance. Wispy golden clouds streak the skies.
Is that a couple making out?! *inquisitive look*
A gust of wind hurls loose particles of sand onto my face. *Damn. There goes the view.*
Night descends. City lights shimmer in the distance. Life is beautiful.
I find myself going round in circles. Clockwise. Anticlockwise. Life is beautiful.
Clockwise. Anticlockwise. Ah! The pleasures of life.
Clockwise. Clockwise. Clockwise. Life is beauti--AAAAHHHH......
*Heart skips 3 beats. Then jumps into roller-coaster mode*
Is that a person I see? Up front? *20 feet ahead*
Swich to reverse. Pull back. Avoid. Period.
Ladies and gentlemen, glad to announce: "DAY 1 of driving class: no casualties."

Thursday, June 16


Is there a reason for my Insanity? I've gone numb in the head. Detached...
From the people around me...
From myself...
I feel drained...
Quite ironically I'm better known as 'deep sea'. Sometimes I wonder if that ounce of Sanity that I possessed got swept onto the shore during a raging deluge of emotions and thoughts...
And after that fierce storm, even high tide failed to whisk Sanity back into the 'deep sea'.
The waters churn incessantly...
With a wave of panic I realise that the water's draining away...
The oxygen's sucked out of me...
Leaving me feeling lighter...
Comprising of hydrogen.
I am now an element, detached from it's molecule...


If you need help deciphering that previous post, allow me to clarify.
Well, have you ever really felt alienated from your surroundings..? Don't get me wrong, I don't mean gettin' entirely clammed up or anything. It's just that even though we seem really outgoing and overflowing with energy, there's this torrent of thoughts that gushes wildly... incessantly... within us, waiting to cross that invisible fortress that contains it.
Some might call it Insanity. Some others Confusion. But I'd like to consider it the Essence of Life.

Being a student of Biology, I'll just take a minute to reiterate the origin of life. Life originated from the aggregation of small molecules such as hydrogen, ammonia, methane and water vapour to form "coacervates". Thence followed the formation of nucleic acids and proteins which constitute enzymes. The cells were (are!) formed by enzymes...

To sum it up, Life was possible because of these molecules. ONLY because of these molecules.

But the splitting of the molecule into its constituent elements, curbs further reaction.
Prevents evolution. Terminates Life. Kills Creation.

The molecule splits due to external factors. The surroundings.
Hence the constant urge to draw back from the world around us. To be Detached in order to sustain Life. Individuality. Creativity.

Monday, June 6


Dear Ali,

It's been three years since we last met...
Three years since we last spoke...
Three years...
It's scary how the odometer ticks on.
I'm sorry, but you must pardon my mawkishness. Gosh, I'm flooded with flashes of the times we shared.
You and Urmila in one of the Barat Building classrooms after school. Grade 3. You were there
for Mrs. Utappa's Kannada tuitions. I was there for Judo. I remember trying to help you
(even though my knowledge of the language was hopelessly absurd, street talk influenced).
After a while I gave up, more due to my lack of adequate intellectual resources than your
constant question mark look!

Ali, that look: so darn characteristic of you! Eyebrows curved upwards, slight smile twitching at the corner of your lips ;-)
Then in 4th we were put into Houses. Both of us landed in Andersson. You, our ace athelete.
On Sports Day all of us cheered for you streaked past us. ("Go Ahalya!! Yay Andersson!!!")

In sixth you cheered so hard for me when I got elected the Head Girl of Middle school. You
were always there when I asked you to get the Andersson House girls to keep mum during
Then in 7th remember when NJ had just joined school? And we tried in vain to explain to her (in all seriousness) what fart meant? *giggle giggle* You'd turned
In 9th we had elections for the Student Council. I was elected the Vice-Captain, you the
Prefect of Andersson House. (We hated that the 12th graders got the plum posts. Ugh. Unfair). So from then on it was all about pesky juniors to control. Wilfully accept
responsibility for anything that went amiss in the House. Grudgingly endure reproach from
frustrated teachers. We had a tough time, but we pulled through just fine.
Grade 10 heralded the Boards. And worse. Graduation. We chose to tread different paths...
It's been three years since we last met...
Three years since we last spoke...
Three years...
And now, we never will...

I'm still a wandering vagabond. Still grappling to carve a niche for myself. But you've
found your ivory tower. Your haven. And I will too...

I hope I don't trivialize the meaning when I say "Ali, I'll miss you. We all will."

Until the time is true...



Boy, am I relieved. I had to create a new blog, but at least I could recover the previous posts...