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Explore the murky depths of life...

Thursday, March 3

March 3rd. Nothin' great.

You'd think that after i wilfully slashed TWO whole minutes of pre test studyin on
messaging a classmate to haul his sad a#$ to CP class for a surprise tutorial this
afternoon, it would at least elicit a humble 'thank you' form the ba$@@#d (believe me, when
you're just informed of a surprise test, you're in NO mood to squander even a second of
cramming). But NOOOO...
he is so full of shit that the rest of the world comprises of midgets.
Well, at least I got that outta my system. you know sometimes i wonder where all the
etiquette has gone. As much as I hate to needle anyone's attitude, or way of thinking ( I am
a staunch believer of give-others-their-space), I have to admit that the brash attitude that
the likes of him portray as "COOL" sucks. I mean, a simple thing as this shouldn't put me
off, right...?
Had an MES quiz today. Did well. will have another one tomorrow. When it rains, it pours!
Mid sems start on the 7th. haven't so much as dusted that shelf on which 'em books lie,
waiting for some sweet soul to savour their contents...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow , i'd like to know who dat guy was ;)

Thu Mar 29, 09:43:00 AM PDT  

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