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Explore the murky depths of life...

Tuesday, March 8

The kind of people I've had the pleasure of interacting with

Well, for me every event, every moment is to soak in...
to savour...
Cuz life's too fickle. She can make you weep... she can exalt you to heights of euphoria
that you've never dreamed possible...
Don't blame her for what she does, she's just there to ensure that you don't die. Now it's
upto Ms.(or Mr.)Life to fill up that space till Ms.(or Mr.)Death takes over the reigns...
It's like the day shift ends, and the insomniacs take over the night shift...
Since i've mastered the art of just "BEING", i tend to notice intricate details of existence...
I've had the opportunity to meet with the various entities that constitute our material
circle. I'm talking about the people that we get to interact with on a daily basis. And
where best to find them than in our own campus?
let's make a brief study, shall we?
This is THE most apt word that can be used to describe many. They have absolutely
nothing genuine to them. They're in my face when they see that the rain clouds are right
overhead, and rush for cover... to none other than yours truly. come sunshine and POOF.
they're a mile away...
Then there are those others who adorn the look of placidity, but beware of that spark of
jealousy that they discreety kindle. They mean more harm than the aforementioned type.
There are also the loud-mouthed ninnies, the kind that crib and rant about thair miseries.
I'm often awestruck by the frivolity of their complaints...
But the most ironic of 'em all are the kinds who pretend to be there for you, but don't
portray even a shadow of a flinch when it comes to the slander.
Hang on, I'm not here to highlight the negative charges. in this ionic melee, there are some
cations too. They're the ones that get you all charged up!
And thank Goodness for them.
They're the ones that "MATTER"...
and a slight hitch with the "ANTIMATTER" variety don't mean nothin to me!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice, yup and finally its those cations dat really matter :)

Thu Mar 29, 09:40:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...


Thu Mar 29, 10:00:00 AM PDT  

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