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Explore the murky depths of life...

Wednesday, March 16

Life at NITK finally seems to be shaping up the way I want it to!

Whoa, the past week's been both hectic and enlightening, intellectually. Post mid sems i'm
deliciously free to do what the hell i want. Life is good...To top it all, i got through to the Aviator workshop that would be conducted during the Techfest if NITK. i'm levitating, dude! or Flying, whatever, you get the point! After busting my backside trying to get the essay done with (had to lug myself to downtown Surathkal and all)...
But it payed off!!! I certainly had a whale of a time getting it done, though. So no way
would I call the entire process 'hard work'. Mid sems were ok. Not GREAT... But definitely on the way up. Thank God for that, cuz last sem my brain's favourite hang-out spot seemed to be situated in the vicinity of the Doldrums. The play in which I part-took for Inci's Centrestage event placed (applause and drumroll please) ...2nd. AWESOME, huh? Ahem, did i forget to mention? Oh. Oops. yeah. there were 3 teams participating...
But that's really not the point, though, IS it? :p
Hey i got to work with 'the' people themselves, the 'lit' junta of NITK. They're real cool
chaps. OOze with talent!
The miniature boat model for eureka seems to be uh..(cough, cough) going (cough) um.. well.
I guess...Every particle of my time (does that phrase even MAKE sense?) seems to be spent in the persuit of certain 'goals' that i've set for myself this sem, namely, DITCH academic
interests, stick to the stuff i'm good at:
lit stuff, mech stuff and staring into nothingness stuff...
seems to me that i've successfully covered most of the above...

p.s. Try lying on your back on the tarred road between the old block and the Ethiopian block
any time of day(or night). The feeling's like nothing you've ever experienced...


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