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Explore the murky depths of life...

Wednesday, March 16

Life at NITK finally seems to be shaping up the way I want it to!

Whoa, the past week's been both hectic and enlightening, intellectually. Post mid sems i'm
deliciously free to do what the hell i want. Life is good...To top it all, i got through to the Aviator workshop that would be conducted during the Techfest if NITK. i'm levitating, dude! or Flying, whatever, you get the point! After busting my backside trying to get the essay done with (had to lug myself to downtown Surathkal and all)...
But it payed off!!! I certainly had a whale of a time getting it done, though. So no way
would I call the entire process 'hard work'. Mid sems were ok. Not GREAT... But definitely on the way up. Thank God for that, cuz last sem my brain's favourite hang-out spot seemed to be situated in the vicinity of the Doldrums. The play in which I part-took for Inci's Centrestage event placed (applause and drumroll please) ...2nd. AWESOME, huh? Ahem, did i forget to mention? Oh. Oops. yeah. there were 3 teams participating...
But that's really not the point, though, IS it? :p
Hey i got to work with 'the' people themselves, the 'lit' junta of NITK. They're real cool
chaps. OOze with talent!
The miniature boat model for eureka seems to be uh..(cough, cough) going (cough) um.. well.
I guess...Every particle of my time (does that phrase even MAKE sense?) seems to be spent in the persuit of certain 'goals' that i've set for myself this sem, namely, DITCH academic
interests, stick to the stuff i'm good at:
lit stuff, mech stuff and staring into nothingness stuff...
seems to me that i've successfully covered most of the above...

p.s. Try lying on your back on the tarred road between the old block and the Ethiopian block
any time of day(or night). The feeling's like nothing you've ever experienced...


OH MAN!!!it's just been amazin' these past few days...
i've got absolutely zilch acad stuff covered (end sems in exacty a week), but i've somehow
gotten mentally deranged, with my priorities all twisted!!! (but not to worry, i have a
feeling i'll do decently anyways;-))
swat cat and me have been having our super looooooooong chat sessions gain...
despite the fact that my friend circle is brimming, it's ironic that there's really a
miniscule bunch with whom i've actually CONNECTED intellectually and emotionally...
swat's bagged no.1 on my NITK jingbang list!!
sitting on the coffee wall for hours...
roaming the hallowed corridors of the girl's block...
balancing on the mud mounds at the back of tbe brand new block...
post-mid night strolls...
and i always wonder where all the time goes!!! ;-)
conclusion: i'm havin a blast out here...
P.S. i'm glad that swat's finally been able to get a lil upbeat 'bout this place.
P.P.S. mebbe i'm a key element????
P.P.S. i'm not bragging... swat said so... ask HER!!! ;-p

Tuesday, March 8

The kind of people I've had the pleasure of interacting with

Well, for me every event, every moment is to soak in...
to savour...
Cuz life's too fickle. She can make you weep... she can exalt you to heights of euphoria
that you've never dreamed possible...
Don't blame her for what she does, she's just there to ensure that you don't die. Now it's
upto Ms.(or Mr.)Life to fill up that space till Ms.(or Mr.)Death takes over the reigns...
It's like the day shift ends, and the insomniacs take over the night shift...
Since i've mastered the art of just "BEING", i tend to notice intricate details of existence...
I've had the opportunity to meet with the various entities that constitute our material
circle. I'm talking about the people that we get to interact with on a daily basis. And
where best to find them than in our own campus?
let's make a brief study, shall we?
This is THE most apt word that can be used to describe many. They have absolutely
nothing genuine to them. They're in my face when they see that the rain clouds are right
overhead, and rush for cover... to none other than yours truly. come sunshine and POOF.
they're a mile away...
Then there are those others who adorn the look of placidity, but beware of that spark of
jealousy that they discreety kindle. They mean more harm than the aforementioned type.
There are also the loud-mouthed ninnies, the kind that crib and rant about thair miseries.
I'm often awestruck by the frivolity of their complaints...
But the most ironic of 'em all are the kinds who pretend to be there for you, but don't
portray even a shadow of a flinch when it comes to the slander.
Hang on, I'm not here to highlight the negative charges. in this ionic melee, there are some
cations too. They're the ones that get you all charged up!
And thank Goodness for them.
They're the ones that "MATTER"...
and a slight hitch with the "ANTIMATTER" variety don't mean nothin to me!!!

Thursday, March 3

March 3rd. Nothin' great.

You'd think that after i wilfully slashed TWO whole minutes of pre test studyin on
messaging a classmate to haul his sad a#$ to CP class for a surprise tutorial this
afternoon, it would at least elicit a humble 'thank you' form the ba$@@#d (believe me, when
you're just informed of a surprise test, you're in NO mood to squander even a second of
cramming). But NOOOO...
he is so full of shit that the rest of the world comprises of midgets.
Well, at least I got that outta my system. you know sometimes i wonder where all the
etiquette has gone. As much as I hate to needle anyone's attitude, or way of thinking ( I am
a staunch believer of give-others-their-space), I have to admit that the brash attitude that
the likes of him portray as "COOL" sucks. I mean, a simple thing as this shouldn't put me
off, right...?
Had an MES quiz today. Did well. will have another one tomorrow. When it rains, it pours!
Mid sems start on the 7th. haven't so much as dusted that shelf on which 'em books lie,
waiting for some sweet soul to savour their contents...