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Explore the murky depths of life...

Sunday, August 7


A lot can happen in an hour...

The most significant lessons are learnt through seemingly insignificant incidents. I learned a lot from a math problem:

X and D belong to the same set. However their properties are different. When together they have never tallied in any equation. i.e. They satisfy the condition
X + D != c
(where != stands for not equal to and c is an unknown constant).
But one day X and D decide to balance the equation. X decides to bring an operator called CONFIDES IN into the equation.
So the relation now is X CONFIDES IN D = ?
1) Determine the R.H.S.
2) Determine why X chose the operator CONFIDES IN over other prominent ones such as LOOSE TALKS WITH, BICKERS WITH and the usual VERBAL VOLLEYS WITH.

I figured that this the only mathematical problem with a PHILOSOPHICAL answer.

ANS 1)
Since X and D had never really known each other too well inspite of them being in the same superset (Albeit numerous opportunities were put forth by life) they cowered from getting to know each other. Result: They probably never will. But if they do, I predict that the R.H.S would definitely be A FRIENDSHIP TO TREASURE.

ANS 2)
Part 1: X has finally grown up.
PART 2: X would've used CONFIDES IN operator whether or not the term alongside it was D. Hence D was merely a victim of circumstance. The operator CONFIDES IN would've been used by X even if the variables in the equation were A, B or C!
Not everything that happens to you is pre-ordained. There is no 'destiny'. It's just 'chance'. X needed to be balanced and did so by using CONFIDES IN operator on D.
D on the other hand feels that if being there for X helped in balancing the equation, then all's well...

A lot can happen in an hour...

A PHILTHY MATH problem left unattended to for a year can be solved.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm a really good problem though maybe i wont agree with the 'not destiny' and 'chance' part. (ans2)
i believe that the 'Chance' we get itself is all Destiny's work.
hmmm something to ponder abt...

Thu Mar 29, 07:07:00 AM PDT  

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