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Explore the murky depths of life...

Wednesday, August 3

The beginning of the end...

I came equipped with the profound satisfaction that second year would sure have its advantages. Not only would I have juniors doting over me, I'd also also know the exact location of the local lizards.
But the doting remains an unfulfilled fantasy and the lizards continue to creep into the worst imaginable crannies of the shelves.
*pout, hands crossed*
Then I land in a classroom with zilch ceiling fans. (Welcome to M1: Can you smell the sweat?)
And saw the same faces. Asked the same question: "How were the hols?"
Ate the same mess food (What happened to promises of "new menu" next sem?)
And waited for an hour to get hold of a working computer in the hostel net centre to write this.
And learnt the same lesson: Some things never change...


Blogger Safari Al said...

yeah...college sucks! learn that....

Mon Aug 08, 12:57:00 AM PDT  

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