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Explore the murky depths of life...

Monday, September 5

The monster within...

It's funny how one rotten feeling can multiply and invade into all other aspects of reason and thought. It consumes you. Your thoughts.


Rotten thoughts. Thoughts you wished you had buried. Thoughts that had died.

But somehow they force themselves into the mainstream of mental activities. And bar progress.

Until now you'd believed that having these thoughts would enable you in comprehending the versatility of the human mind. Your mind. But they seem to do little but hamper development. Plague growth.

These thoughts have a nasty grip over you. They play themselves over and over again in a sickening flurry of events. Random scenes from memory are extricated and put forth, demanding their dissection. It's surreal. Your mind is like a sink filled with regurgitated remains of a meal.


You never cease to appal yourself.
You cease to comprehend yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very true... and it keeps coming back again and again never letting go...
wonderfully written

Thu Mar 29, 02:38:00 AM PDT  
Blogger D said...

You know, years have gone by and even though my mind can switch off and on more or less at will, the content of the article still holds good. Things you want to forget throw themselves at you with such a force that you end up pretty shaken. :/

Thu Mar 29, 10:14:00 AM PDT  

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