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Explore the murky depths of life...

Monday, October 17

M1 Chronicles

Act 2
Saved by the bell..?

Scene 1

Black dot. Black dot. Brown dot. Pale brown inside black dot. The world looks minuscule.
The only respite: Panoramic view of the 40-odd heads below me.
The only amusement: Bald patch on the fourth head in the first bench.
The only high factor: None except that I sit on the bulky drawing desk, overlooking the puny desks. (Bonus for coming in late.)
An obese drone nose dives in through the open window. Collides with the nearest ear. A confused congregation of fingers grapple to relinquish the intruder. The commotion created was muffled by the endless siren for lunch.

Wednesday, October 5

M1 Chronicles

Act 1 :

Scene 1

"This aaaa... shows aaaa... the entropy aaaa" *zzzz...*
"So aaaaa we can prove aaaa the temperature change aaaa" *ZZZZ...*
"We see that aaaa...." *gasp for air, snort, zzzz...*
Head bent, tongue nearly rolled out, first benchers "listening" to the lecture.

Scene 2:

Back bencher: Notebook open, scribbling furiously. Looks at the prof in rapt attention.
Question posed: Taking down notes..?!
Retort: Somebody needs to keep tab of the number of "aaaa's" the prof punctuates his sentences with.

Further Acts will be put up shortly.