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Explore the murky depths of life...

Friday, May 27


well that's all i have now in my head. Disconnected thoughts...
I once posssessed a train of thoughts...
But it got derailed somewhere along the pathway between adjacent cerebral neurons.
Neurotransmitter malfunction...
It's really ironic that the lesser time i have to do a certain job, the more efficiently I
perform it. Take for instance my blog.At college, I have to queue up at the intra-hostel net centre or trudge all the way to the
CCC. And i still manage a couple of entries per week. But now that I'm home, with internet
access any time of day, all I can see myself doing is...
Into obsurity...
Well not that I haven't DONE anything actually these past couple of weeks.Been watchin' re-runs of sitcoms...and family shows of the 80's played over and over again for the brain-dead Indian audience.Tried meeting up with old school buddies, but they've got 'em rummy exams just round the
corner, so all plans were temporarily shelved.Then I tried (still am) my hand at learning the Guitar.Sailed through G chord, had a slight hitch with the C chord and landed a dead end at F
chord.Never before had i used such a plethora of foul words until I tried the F chord. (I figured
that's why they call it the F chord.)But after a couple of councelling sessions from my dear cousin bro who is a self proclaimed
guitar-virtuoso, ("See, I told you it isn't as glamourous as it looks... Quit it, kiddo!!!
Ha Ha Ha..."), I decided to keep at it. Swollen finger-tips, bruised ego takes backseat...Read a few novels, watched a bunch of movies...
Blah... Blah...
life is boring...
Wait a minute...
It's that Deepophagus boredomiphus syndrome.
Dr. Dee FINALLY got a taste of her own medicine.
*crackle of the radio*
"... Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine needed urgently. Contact Dr. Dee's blogsite to deposit
vials of the same in abstract form: comments..."
*everything goes black*

Thursday, May 12


I've always had this impending question...
What IS life?
Life is that state in which we are considered to be living.Or a more scientific approach would be that is it the characteristic state or condition of a
living organism.
We all just want to live. That's been the age-old trend. While medieval alchemists struggled
to find that one formula to make base metal into gold, witch doctors and even men of holy
austerities tried in vain to concoct that potion which would make man immortal.King Hiranakashyapa, when granted one wish in return for his rigorous penance, asked that he
be made immortal.Well, why go into mythology?Harry Potter's Philosopher's Stone IS the elixir of life, a substance believed to maintain life indefinitely.So everyone who's tasted life's goodness seems to want to live longer.But there are always TWO sides to a coin.There are those others who would give ANYTHING to die...
They'd give LIFE itself...
The horrific number of suicide cases right here in college send chills down my spine.
The desire to DIE overpowers the desire to LIVE.This seems to go against the Laws of Nature...
Ever seen a cockroach in your kitchen that frantically tries to run away from the imploring threat of a 'chappal' attack waiting to be imparted on it by the disgusted cook?
Have you come across a 3 legged ant with half a missing abdomen trudging along?
Ever witnessed a floundering fish flapping about, trying to get back into the water?
A Mulberry tree razed to the ground sprouting new leaflets and auxiliary branches...
Nature has indeed ensured that every living being has an inborn desire to live.
Now the ENTIRE process of evolution is to be blamed for humans to portray even a slight hint
of a suicidal tendency. Being on the top of the evolutionary chain, we've developed the
power of THINKING. (nothin' new here, been learning this from grade 1!) but that's possibly THE only thing different (psychologically) between human beings and the rest of the Animal and Plant kingdoms.
But i'm still trying to figure out the answer to that question that I asked.
What IS life?
I'm STILL drawing a BLANK.
Guess we'll all hafta LIVE to find out, eh?!

Saturday, May 7

Dee Logic!

BREAKING NEWS: Deepika Nandagopal has confessed to being the sole master-mind behind this deadly brain consuming disease.

Readers beware: the contents of this article may be highly injurious(mentally) to sane people.

DISCLAIMER: The writer does not claim any responsibility for any part of the article as it
may be mind-consuming.

SYMPTOMS: acute mental derangement, inability to tear eyes away from monitor screen when logged on to still-waters-run-deep.blogspot.com, derailment of train of thoughts, tendencies
to wilfully bang head against nearest object...

Dee Logic...
it's THE Logic of today! well, at least for ME!!! Layman (but in Dee Logic it's LAME-man) does't get the way it works.
HINT: it's actually really easy to comprehend if you shed all brain-related thinking...

MODES OF CONTRACTION OF DISEASE Dee Logic:Crack a nonsensical pun, go totally berserk in your thoughts...
That's a good start to learning Dee Logic! Carve out various paths for the flow of imagination...
unleash your zany side! THAT'S the essence of Dee Logic. Go WILD up in the head. Soon it'll dethrone George Boole's 0's and 1's...
ANARCHY will build its foundations on Dee Logic someday.
Refer current and future articles on this blog to excavate the DEEP DARK world of DEE

P.S. RED ALERT: you have officially succumbed to the aforementioned disease...
HA HA HA HA HA (psychopathic sinister evil laugh..)

Tuesday, May 3

About 'em lizards!

I've had the priviledge of meeting all kinds of ummm... creatures here in NITK. (trust me, i
don't just mean the guy-folk out here!) what i really mean to say is, the variety of flora, fauna AND the insects they house ALONG WITH their respective reptile predator species is astonishing!all amazing to admire...
NOT inside MY room, MY shelf or that sad excuse for a cupboard that we're provided with here in NITK's Girl's Block.Well having graduated from being petrified of these miniature Komodo-dragons to just giving them spiteful stares when we encounter, i think that hostel life in this wilderness has taught me something! A friend once suggested that if i could just name 'em all(i.e. the ones in my room here), i'll feel all chummy with 'em and i can get over this undying hatred that seems to be an innate inherent quality (mom's terrified of lizards, to say the least!).But after exhausting innovative names like Lizzie, Liz and Liza for the ones that(i baptised
and thought vehemently) belonged to the fairer sex, and King Liz I to XVIII, my imagination
ran dry. Moreover, who can keep track of the names and faces? So it was back to living with these four-legged creatures that saw the world upside-down from their coffee-shop on the ceiling.But there's this one particular lizard that efficiently scuttles in and out of my room whenever i open or close the door. (request on my behelf: DON'T tell my roomie... She's
worse than me... She'd FREAK out!!!)I find it really hard to believe myself, but i've developed a sort of liking for this chap.
He totally clears out of my path and just minds his own business. I am happy to say that we
share a healthy pseudo-paying-guest relationship. I give him the room, he gets rid of the
Hmmm... guess i've FINALLY realised that lizards are not so bad after all. AND that they'd
make great room-mates! Forget about ALL-OUT and stinky mosquito repellent coils. INSTEAD go get yourself a Liz-buddy today. Guaranteed protection from flies and mosquitoes in those dreary hours of the night when the electricity board decides to take a nap and cuts off the power supply...

Sunday, May 1

HUTCH jana (translation from kannada: mad folk)

As soon as Hutch came up with this 100-messages-free-to-any-cell offer, i've been bombarded
with messages...not too flattering, considering that the whopping influx was only due to on-the-house or should i say on-the-hutch messaging... whatever!!!
but do people fail to understand that my invaluable reply costs me 60ps?
it's infuriating how callous people can get when they expect on-a-daily-basis replies for
supposed eternal enigmas like "hi! whatcha doin'?"SHEESH!!now if BSNL (to which i am an ardent subscriber) could cut us some slack and provide the same facilities... i can assure you that the aforementioned eternal question would've been answered to at length, with a few extra smileys appended!words of encouragement from pals to get myself a Rs. 99 Hutch prepaid ("MORON! go buy a bloody Hutch sim...") have had nil effect.
i got thinking as to why i was so attached to the BSNL sim. The only three things that popped into my head were:
1. my mom bought this for me...
but NAH... that's really not the issue here, cuz she'll do the paying for the Hutch sim too...
2. mom and i stood for 5 hours in the meandering queue in front of the BSNL office to get
the sim when the offer was out...(could be a good reason to keep the sim, but not as good as the 3K that i'll make by selling it...)
3. finally, the only sane enough reason for my affinity to the BSNL sim is probably this:
initially when i stepped into this godforsaken land of NITK, only BSNL subscribers were
fortunate enough to get signal EVERYWHERE (trust me, i got signal even in the loo...).but now EVERYONE else seems to get good signal, so i'm back to square one!!
well, i'm still debating if selling BSNL's worth it...after all, HUTCH is a private telecom co. and for them, the catch phrase (written in the world's most miniscule font size is) : "offer subject to changes in market conditions" or some crap like that...