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Explore the murky depths of life...

Wednesday, April 27

Reflections of a hungry soul...

When the mind is deprived of intellectual enlightenment, it seems a fortress...
and i an unworthy inmate...
but now i am an escaped convict...
i have earned the freedom to reflect...
the thoughts come chugging into the platform of my mind...
while i sail into the dreary waters...
hoping to catch glimpse of that beacon of Light frrom the lighthouse in the distance...
treacherous rocks evoke a sense of forboding...
thick fog threatens to shroud the vessel...
the waters beckon enticingly...
to come away with them...
down...deep down...
they are no longer still...

Tuesday, April 5

MPD: Multiple Personality Disorder

The first time that i'd ever heard of this absolutely FREAKY disorder was in Sidney
Sheldon's "Tell me your dreams". That was way back in grade 7. well for me, it was the dawn
of a new era of grotesque enlightenment. The gravity of situation got me thinking...MPD's victim has been a victim all her life...Being sexually molested since childhood, she is driven to states of mental turmoil so acute that she drifts subconciously to her alter egos...
The docile one and the murderer who seeks revenge...
She finds solace in swiching off from her life.To completely 'switch off'...
Now, that's something i'd love to do.So maybe being a victim of MPD's not so bad after all, huh? (sorry, crude joke). Another thing that's strikingly similar to the MPD (well at least in some respects) is something i learned from the swamis of ISKON, who conducted these classes in the ISTE seminar hall on weekends. Since i have as much knowledge as probably an ant has about Physics, when it came to the Vedas and the Gita, i took his word as God's own!He said that man is made up of three basic components: the MIND, the BODY and the SOUL. The mind is where all the thought processsing that governs our actions occurs, the soul is the actual living part that has been sent to this 'loka' to carry out a particular mission, and the body is merely a vehicle that we are equippped with to accomplish that task.So in essence, we are 3 components...just like a person sufferring from MPD...
All this really may not have a connection in any logical sense, but the thought remains: are
we all victims of MPD to some extent?
like say when we blank out during an exam. An exam for which we have prepared adequately...
where do we go in our heads then, in those few bleak moments?
Or say when we drift into our afternoon siesta and can't remember the dreams...?
What could possibly be the reason for saying or acting in a way that's totally unlike us...?
Don't we all have those moments when being aware of our surroudings takes a backseat?
Well, whatever the case may be, i had a great time penning these "elementary" thoughts....